Subject: RE: Attn: Doug Woolerton re: Littlewood Treaty & Treaty of Waitangi
Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2012 19:41:14 +1200
Subject: RE: Attn: Doug Woolerton re: Littlewood Treaty & Treaty of Waitangi
Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2012 19:41:14 +1200
Dear Serenity
Thank you for your email. I have read the discussion on the trade
me message board and the Don Brash piece which I do not disagree with.
The reason that my Bill was rejected is simply political as is
everything surrounding this issue. I/We argued that because the principles of
the treaty were not defined then all the legislation being passed with
“according to the principles of the treaty” etc etc and all the many variations
of that, were simply a nonsense. We were drawing people’s attention to the fact
that the treaty was a document, or a message, of good intentions rather than a
prescriptive document. Therefore to apply it to airwaves or ironsands and
suchlike was a nonsense. ( That is not to say that settlements to Maori are
wrong) This is still the case today and has become an artform.
Incidentally as an illustration ….the Bible is the same because
it tells stories that we know cannot be literally true but the message is one
worth listening to and abiding by. If one were to take it literally we would
have a lot of people trying to walk on water or attempting to part the sea.
Have fun.
Kind Regards